Stop Being a VICTIM. You’re Killing Yourself. Here’s What to do Instead.
Stop feeding your EGO. You’re losing yourself in the process.
Everyone is a victim of life. Everyone has gone through something that they didn’t want to. Everyone would rather have it better than they already do.
All the standards that you’ve set in your mind that you relate with an IDEAL/BETTER life are inherently flawed.
- People with a lot of money are better off? Financially, yes! But, do they have time for friends and family?
- People with a lot of friends are better off? They’re extroverted, yes! But, do they have real friends?
- People with a silver spoon are better off? They’re born with more ‘wants’ fulfilled, yes! But, do they have enough opportunities early on to distance from their EGO?
Everyone in life is a victim if they look at what they do not have.
Are you one of those? Are you constantly bringing yourself down by focusing on the things that do you not have? Do you feel that the world is out there to get you?
If your answer is yes, this post is for you. You will get nowhere with that mindset. Sure, you’ll get sympathy and approval from other victims, sometimes in the form of social media likes. But, you’ll have to use a lot of manipulation for that as well. You’ll feel a lot of artificial comfort and safety but that is only your EGO reinforcing its beliefs upon you.
Your health will deteriorate. Your mind will suffer. Your soul will suffocate. We aren’t born to go through our sufferings but to go through our sufferings.
Check for these signs to know if you’re falling prey to your EGO’s VICTIM MINDSET -
- Blaming other people/situations for feeling miserable.
- Dwelling on problems without trying to solve them.
- Feeling attacked when you’re given constructive criticism.
- Constantly putting yourself down.
- Believing that the world is a scary, mostly bad, place.
- Refusing to analyse yourself or improve your life.
- Attracting other people who constantly complain.
- Getting trapped in ‘feeling sorry for yourself’
These are a few signs that show up often. You have to be really self introspective to notice these signs. Once you identify the signs, it’s time to shatter your EGO’s false identity of a VICTIM and build what I am going to talk about next.
The Survivor Mentality
So, what to do instead? Build a survivor mentality. A mentality where you don’t see your shortcomings but your strengths. You don’t see where life has been unfair to you but where life has been fair to you. Where you don’t expect the world to fix your problems but take charge and fix your own problems to the best of your ability.
“You owe yourself everything you expect from others”
― Nicky Verd
Here are actionable steps you can take from this very moment to start building a survivor mindset -
- Find things to take responsibility for.
- Understand the problem and work towards a solution.
- Have an open mind and don’t take things personally.
- Be kind and compassionate towards yourself.
- Exploring the mistaken beliefs hidden in your shadow side.
- Be ruthlessly honest to yourself about yourself.
- Explore the depths of your personality to understand the root cause of “why you’re thinking what you’re thinking.”
- Find things to be grateful for.
- Build relationships with people who have a survivor mentality.
Yes, I know it is hard.
That’s the thing about your EGO. It was you to cling onto an identity really hard. Almost like how Venom clings on to Tom Hardy here.
Go to your inner depths. Focus on things that you have achieved. Gather strength from there and destroy this false sense of identity.
Thanks for reading :)
— Sidhant
About me : I am an Experience Coach where I help people Dream. You can book a free 1 on 1 Session with me here — Schedule 1 on 1 with Sidhant